Most gift card sales are impulse buys. A customer is checking out at the store when they notice the gift card rack and decide it would make the perfect gift for an upcoming event. There is only so much that a store can do to increase this type of behavior and boost...
Offering gift cards on your website can be a game-changer. Even with the set-up costs associated with making it happen, the return on your investment is well worth your time and money. With just a minimal amount of effort through careful promotion and advertising,...
A point-of-sale system, or POS, is the most important piece of software for most businesses. The POS enables cashiers to charge customers. It’s what customers see whenever they check out, and, often, it’s the software that is tracking and recording sales. Because the...
It’s no secret that the holiday season is the peak time for gift card sales. But, just because the gift-giving season is winding down doesn’t mean that businesses can’t still find ways to boost their gift card sales. Here are just a few ways your company can encourage...
Online gift cards are a fast and convenient option for people who are stressed out by gift-giving. Buying an online gift card just takes a few minutes for the buyer, and the recipient can have the card in their email inbox within seconds. Simply having a digital...